They sound really intense, man - apparently were just around since twelve years ago. I know they took sounds from ancient instruments but I'm always excited when I hear and see new instruments at festivals or at campgrounds.
They aren't cheap, and they aren't light either. I saw one with the following dimensions:
Diameter = 20.86 inches
Height = 9.44 inches
Weight = 8.15lbs
Thickness of metal = 1mm
That is a lot of extra weight for a backpacking trip, and I am unsure what the smallest one in diameter is that would still produce a good sound.
More research is ahead for these beauties but I wanted to share them with you guys.
I will never understand how someone can just abandon their animal. I have to admit that I sometimes get a chuckle when I see an article or hear a reporter discussing some strange incident where an exotic fish or reptile is found in an environment that it was impossible for said creature to be native to.
I just don't understand how you can abandon your faithful and loyal companion, like a dog.
When I see videos where rescue operators are called in to help dogs in various stages of homelessness and helplessness I just find myself getting so angry that anyone could do that to an animal.
Some people cry when they see the videos, I know the honorable Mrs. Michael Asimos does (I love you, mama!). I just get angry.
We are on this earth to spread love and kindness to all living things. Who failed to teach people that?
I have been focused on travel and camping and food - all of these things I enjoy but I haven't felt like all of my comments and thoughts could fit well with my other property, Michael Asimos' Adventures Blog. I am interested in a few political issues and also fancy myself a humorous guy. That's what this is for!
I'll start this off with a tale (tail?) of baby bunny, trauma, engineering, and triumph.
I have found the site and enjoy it even though I don't have as much time as I wish I did for exploring the internet. I'm busy with school and a few social obligations here and there and of course, there's the music callin me. Anyway, this video I saw today is called Joe the Bunny.
Their video explains that a pair of rabbits was orphaned and one of them was lame. They fashioned him a cart for his hind legs similar to those you see for older dogs and it does seem to work!
It bothers me that so many comments on the youtube channel seem focused on bashing the guy's engineering skills instead of the real story which is that someone cared enough to try to improve this rabbit's quality of life and let their child witness a gentle kindness to animals.
When I'm camping I meet people who have no comprehension of how to live among animals and nature and I think it's because they had poor role models or lack experience with animals like this. I remember being small and the venerable Mrs. Asimos taking in all kinds of strays. It is probably my first exposure to treating animals with kindness and respect and I appreciate her a lot for it.